Sunday, November 05, 2006

India- Weak Nation; Growing Weaker.

The economy is on roll with sensex touching 15k, GDP around 8, IT, BPO, RDB India rocks. Yawn!!
India and people are too much obsessed for self acclamations that they ride, sleep on figures. The country is weaker and growing weaker and this is the fact.
Lets see it how; we are allowing non meritorious homo sapiens to be honchos of government, Jobs, colleges, it innit stop there we are getting them in the private sector too. Now talking about private sector baring IT and BPO no other industry in 60 years of independence has generated the respect and pride for this country, nevertheless no jobs and quality of life. We have a voyeuristic appetite for Tatas , Birlas, and Ambanis but their contribution is just too low and these guys make money from where? from us. Now as for IT , BPO who has generated a huge revenue in terms of foreign currency and earned a graceful respect for the nation; now the governments want it to be spoiled ( nothing new right!) and how the Red Brigade an anti democratic , Chinese spies known as Left to form unions and get this industry in red alert. The industry is earning a huge cash for this country and they dont earn by selling things inside but outside in US, UK etc. and pour enough money for Indian banks and financial institutes. And by not creating enough infrastructure the boom is going to die soon to Manila.

Now go up to the political front and we happen to be one of the most corrupt nations. There is no political will - ALL politicians work with a single aim " I me myself" no ideologies no political conviction only lets destroy.And the greatest example for political impotency is his excellency "Prime Minister - Manmohan" , a bitchy foreigner seems to have a rope tied to his sensitive parts and make him speak, act like a pet ( a dog NO! even dogs are powerful). There is no political leader and people enjoy a Monarchy Democracy? ya a state where political sons and daughters become politicians and their sons/daughters make another line of politicians and the chain goes on. We are have Rahul Gandhi coming for US and slipping with idiotic failed rabble rousing in UP with kiddish jokes on his opponents. You know he is one of the sexiest guys for millions of girls waiting to bare all for him. I would come to the people of this country a bit later though; lets leave it here. Coming back to selfish politicians and see how they contribute to impotency. West Bengal ruled by Left several decades ; in each election the same party wins . Oh is Bengal a Singapore? No not even a Malaysia , the elections are rigged and people are threatened to vote through means all Indians understand i.e. Muscles. A shining example of gross democratic malfunction. We have separatist groups functioning in most of the parts of this country and there is no political will inspite of military prowess as it would break the love affair of votes with minority. We dont make friends outside because of those vote bankers. We dont make friendship with Israel a gutsy country with highly innovative technology and ammunition. We give Haj subsidies and these people goes to the country which in OPEC ( group of oil producing countries) supports Paki's stand on Kashmir. Oh Kashmir lets dig in some history ; as Pakistanis invaded Kashmir the father of Monarchy democracy Nehru went to UN and got a ceasefire? Why on earth he did so , the Indian army was all the time sophisticated enough to thwart the invaders. Now we cannot do it. We didnt joined NATO and Pakis equaled us in military might. The chinese attacked and took huge acres of land with them and thats not enough Bangladeshi rangers time and again make sure that Indians are weak by shelling at BSF. We are weak so much that we allow bangladeshi to enter in this country in huge amounts and contribute to population ; ya every individual can enter in this nation but I meant Illegally and then we want to give them perks and make them as permanent citizens as if we dont have enough people in this country. Why we do this ? as they belong to a particular community. We impose reservations so that there is no merit left in this country and make sure the intelligentsia are termed as traitors. As if reservations will end the caste discriminations . They argue there is discrimination but then we have strictest rules for the people who discriminate we cant apply them? We are weak so give reservations. If this is the argument then most of the rape accused gets scott free lets make it legal and let the ruling bitchy foreigner to start with.
Now comes -US - the people. Genetically Indians are weaker and yeah we are used to be ruled over tortured. We cannot stand and give our blood. We took a non-violent way to achieve our independence and adore the person who created this concept. We dont appreciate Subhash Chandra bose and political parties are trying to term Bhagat Singh, Mangal Pandey and Chandrashekhar as minscule in struggle of independence and call them a criminal and/or terrorists. We are nation where history is written by chinese red spies. We lost the struggle during Mandal 1 and none remembers who the brave fought and burnt themselves. We make movies on Gujrat, mumbai , 1984 riots and not on struggle by Indian Youth who died in 1990 fighting for something which they knew will lose. And when Mandal II came we lost again , the youth cannot dare to burn again as we have grown weaker and accepted a defeat gracefully. We want to be ruled masochists , we perhaps love that.We appreciate people with zero patriotism like Javed Akhtar and Shabana Azmi and adores them.We love movies which are away from realities and creativity and sink in emotionals Karans's k's with songs still playing in between. We live in subdued dreams and have intercourse with it every day and moment.We let Mast Gul to enter our land and show his strengths. We let the terrorists free before the hijackers of IC 814 as Indians didnt wanted to sacrifice. We want to pardon sentences and the people who support are social leaders yes Md Afzal. We were weak when the Islamic terrorists attacked in form Babar, Aurangzeb and we are same now. The Pakistani’s air defense has now become superior then India with new acquisition and we still struggling to acquire Hawk AJT's ( Advanced Jet Trainers) and let brave pilots trained on MIG''s to crash.And yes I am one among we.

1 comment:

someone in india said...

Well, just another blog(ger) trying to be different from others by posting 'hat-ke' views on the state of the country. But unfortunately it smells pessimistic.
You RDB junky! RDB didnt teach pessimism, it taught that if you don't like something, go ahead and change it.
Throwing eggs on something rotten makes no sense, instead the idea should be to try and rectify the problem.
You might take this as sermonizing but it is not...just expressing my thoughts.
Good writing skills though :-)