Saturday, April 18, 2009

Elements of Successful defeat.

In life you try to be content with what you have, those who don't they either work hard and harder to get their things and the remaining just blow themselves in self curse. Do you really get what you want?If you get was it the thing you wanted? was it worth the effort you took?

Its subjective and absolutely relative. Do the karma and don't worry of the fruits.That's The greatest point. But its the fruit which drives most to do extra-ordinary things?So if I try and give my best to be nothing or to find me in lost situation?

Am I the winner? Long back someone told me Winning is Absolute you either Win or Lose. Oops may be its true! I remember Ashoka in the battle of kalinga won everything but the massacre left him to self disdain and he gave up everything for which he took so much effort. I have seen people who work arduously to get a thing or two but then give up their own grown baby. Its then when you want to have something but you don't see it from all dimensions.

If you are really in Love, you give a try and get it, you try and did not got , you never tried and yes never got. Is the first one the winner or the second one or the third or the one who tried and gave up owns life for a lost love. Is the self pain the panacea for the losers?
Someone who lost ones love and then crib about it everyday - is the one who lost or won?Huh hu, I never knew and may be I will never know. To me give your best and enjoy it , if you fail I know its heartfelt but respect the effort and be happy; for the fact and those days you tried to achieve your Love. Its tough , I know millions and zillions and can spout gibberish like me explaining and trying to spread a message. Ok chill!

You have a Choice or chance? You would take what? I take a chance? What say? the risk is higher; but for the fact the Chance may yield me my Choice; I grab the Chance!

1971 between the Indo- Pak war , Indian forces with only 120 in number hold ed the pakis which were around 2000-3000 in number. Ohh I wont digress from the the point.

Life is a strange phenomenon, you make it, break it and your destiny moulds it. The things you yell you may get and still be happy or unhappy. I never know how to live? Is it the life? Oh I got this message on my cell a day before:=

" The most you can miss a person is when you sit besides the person you Love the most and .. u know you can't have that person....." dats life....!"

I dont like to lose things, The things which are good and I cant get I dont think about it. Is it a victory or not accepting that you lost or just a mental delusion or a manipulation that ok dear its your destiny. , because you found someone so good but you know you cant so you never ever try and just move on. Is it the right way?

Or you let your feelings grow and grow , till you find the person you love cant be yours and then one daily you start to sink every night crying for that one. Never ever punish yourself. move on at a pace. Many cant do this by self. The time makes things to happen. Time is a healer, but what about your mind? if you get something more or better can it squash your memories? I dont think for everyone its true. One had a dream and you never chased it , then the dream is never lost by you. is that a failure? Successful are the people who chase their dreams and be content with what they have today and have courage when they fail. Lucky are the people who are happy every day and enjoy with what they have and doesn't crib what they dont. Life is a struggle , and dont let the inertia hold you. Just Move ,move on a pace , the time we have today is to do a lot of things , dont be shy . Life is short so Just Do iT?

All those young at age n heart life is not a journey its a race its actually a car rally, you got milestones you may achieve some and some not. You may create some and you may not see some.

Whats this? Am i writing this to console me? Am I having a tough time? or did I lose something?May be its true or partly true or as I say its Relatively True? Wish you Happiness! Ciao!

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